Discipline and Conduct

- Every student is expected to keep the good name of the school by his/her behavior and noble work.
- Students should be regular and punctual and must be in the school premises 10 minutes before the school session.
- All are expected to speak in English in the school even in their private conversation to have fluency in the language.
- All students must be present from the very day the school re-opens after vacation.
- Students once inside the school premises will not be allowed to go home during the class hours except for very serious reasons in such cases of emergency, the parent has to come and take the child in person.
- Students should take special care of school properties. No student shall scratch or write on desk chairs or walls etc. Damage done even by accident should be reported to the class teacher and to the principal. Any damage done by a pupil or group of pupils to school property will be a punishable offence and must be paid for as per the decision of the principal. Habitual offenders may be dismissed from the school.
- No collection of funds for any purpose whatsoever is to be done without the permission of the principal.
- No books, literature or electronic gadgets other than text books or the reference books are permitted in the school.
- No ornament/ jewellery whatsoever is to be worn by the students except for small ear rings. In case of loss of valuables, the school will not be responsible. All students must be marked by neatness and simplicity in their dress and behavior. Defaulters in this regard are liable to be expelled from the school.
- Politeness and courtesy of speech are much emphasized
- Presents to the members of the staff or other demonstrations in their honour require previous sanction of the principal.
- Any student found to be cheating or attempting to cheat in the exam/ periodical Evaluation will be given a zero in that paper or any other punishment, even dismissal at the discretion of the principal.
- School matters including phone calls will be attended to only during school hours.
- School reserves the right to dismiss a student who is irregular in attendance, whose Progress in studies is unsatisfactory, whose conduct in the school or outside is harmful to other students. Immorality/ grave insubordination/ disrespect to teachers/ contempt of authority is always sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.