“Leadership can be thought of as a capacity to define oneself to others that clarifies and expands a version of the future”Keeping this vision the office bearers are being installed by the school management who solemnly pledge is perform their allotted duties. Head Boy/Head Girl are appointed to uphold the rules of school, to cooperate with the authorities, to lead all the fellow students on the path of sacred duty and to live up to the motto of school ” Let your Light Shine . ”
To lead houses captains are appointed to lead all the fellow students specially the members of their houses and to live up to the motto of their respective houses. To assist the captains in their various duties vice- captains are appointed. To help the captains & vice-captains in every way specially to keep records of marks and finances carefully and honestly, secretaries are appointed. To assist the Teacher’s in having a good spirit and discipline on the play ground Games Captain are appointed. To assist Games Captain, Games Vice – Captains are appointed. Junior Captains are appointed to assist the senior Captains, Vice – Captains and Secretaries. Junior Vice Captains are appointed to assist the Junior Captains in performing their duties. Junior Secretaries are appointed to help the Captains and Vice – Captains in maintaining the records of marks and finances carefully and honestly. To assist the Senior Captains in maintaining good spirit on play Ground Junior Games Captains are appointed. The Junior Games Captain are appointed to assist the Senior Games Captain, Games Vice and Junior Games Captains.
To appoint the office bearers for this academic year oath ceremony was conducted on 8th July 2014. The selected leaders are:-
Head Boy: Utkarsh Rajani
Head Girl : Parmita Muzumdar
Captain : – Amal Kanungo (XI A)
Vice Captian :- Nisha Choudhary (X B)
Captain : – Pratyush Shrivastava (VIII B)
Vice Captian :- Naushin Shaikh (VII C)
Captain : – Aniket Badwe (XI A)
Vice Captian :- Nikita Mahesh (X A)
Captain : – Palak Mehta (VIII B)
Vice Captian :- Aayush Rathore (VII C)
Captain : – Shruti Rajani (XI B)
Vice Captian :- Shubhanshu Joshi (X B)
Captain : – Amol Chouhan (VIII A)
Vice Captian :- Aanchal Sharma (VII A)
Captain : – Roshni Rajani (XI B)
Vice Captian :- Harshit Mohan (X A)
Captain : – Simona Khan (VIII A)
Vice Captian :- Abhay Sharma (VII B)
Tushar Khatri
Stuti Dubey
Sibi Thomas
Helna Anna Joseph