Our Labs
Physics Lab
In the field of science, practical knowledge is more important than the theoretical knowledge. Concepts become clear when we see things happening.The laboratory is spacious and has physical apparatus. Our Physics lab has modern amenities and quality specimens and models opening up a world of knowledge for students to observe, experiment and comprehend. The students perform various experiments with the help of Sodium Lamp, Polaroids, Grating, Hallow Prism along with the Electronic Instruments like Multimeter, Logic Gates Kit, Diode characteristic, transistor characteristic apparatus are also available in the Physics Lab.
Biology Lab
We have well equipped biology lab with all required specimens and facilities for teaching biology up to class X. Here students perform their experiments under the supervision of their teachers. The aim of providing students with lab facilities is to clear their concepts and better understanding of the subject.
Chemistry Lab

Chemistry Lab – A workplace for the conduct of Experiments.Learning about lab procedures and performing experiments helps students to learn techniques and reinforces textbook concepts.

The Chemistry lab is fully equipped with all the required glasswares and chemicals required for the experiments, and various chemical solutions.

Computer Lab

There are 3 spacious computer labs- one for primary, one for middle school and one for secondary and senior secondary.Here students perform their practicals under the supervision of our Computer teachers. Here they are exposed to various computer applications such as operating with WORD, EXCEL and POWER POINT Presentations and Computer programming Languages such as C++ and Java. They are also taught DBMS(database management systems). Special care is taken to observe the functioning of the software to prevent VIRUS from damaging the computers. Students learn C++, Visual Basic, Java ,Netbeans, SQL and many other software.

Mathematics Lab
Mathematics is a sine-quanon for all the subject and is a part & parcel of each one’s life. The Mathematics lab eases the process of understanding a complex subject with visual aids to enhance learning and memory. Mathematics comes alive here and students learn it with great interest. The concepts of 2D and 3D shapes are made clear through live demonstrations and models. Formulas and theories become extremely lucid when they make models of cylinders, cuboids, cubes, cones, spheres etc. Mathematical concepts are also taught to them through charts prepared by the students themselves.